A must have
Seriously this is brilliant.
Honestly the most amazing stuff for stings
My 2 year old daughter decided to play with a Bee and of course got stung. Once I safely removed the sting I applied my WASuP wipe, within minutes she had stopped crying. I honestly can’t believe how amazing this stuff is, comes in a tiny round container which is perfect for pockets or bags.
I won’t leave home without having one with me as especially I have 2 small children.
Highly recommend.
Essential for everyone
Absolutely essential product for everyone on the planet. Child, adult and pet friendly. I have one in every bag so I am not without when the need arises. Not only good for wasp and bee stings but any sting including nettles!
Wouldn't be without it
An unbelievable invention that everyone should carry! Wouldn’t be without it
Don’t leave home without it
You know that split between seeing a stinging nettle and thinking I’ll move out of its way another stinging nettle will pop up and sting you and you’ll scream, you’ll probably swear too. In my mind WASuP appears and talks in soothing voices like Cadbury’s Caramel and does magic. By magic I mean real magic.
I carry mine with me wherever I go.
You’ll thank me later.